Why sing?

anxiety inspiration wellness Sep 04, 2023

Why do we sing? Why take the time to make music?

These are questions I’ve been considering.

We speak everyday. We speak to communicate with each other; to say something.

Singing allows for another kind of expressing.

We use words; words that are extended over time- stretching sound that we deeply commit to.

We add to it a dose of longing. We add color to the words. We add to it our soul. We release emotions that are pent up inside that need releasing and we do it artfully. Sometimes not so skillfully.

We play. We make music. We paint. We release.

We connect to the words of the song we pick and identify with those words. We share our version.

In order to connect to that part of ourselves, to OPEN UP that part, we play to see what’s possible.

We get to know ourselves.

We make sound and say, “well how about that?” We get to know our voices. We experiment.

We use our straws to fine-tune and create prime conditions to play in. We respect the muscles and our bodies and our emotions and see what’s up.

We see what we’ve brought to the table and go from there.

We check in, we assess, and use what’s available and tend to what needs tending. Our broken hearts. Our tense jaws. Our anxiety. Our restlessness. Our joy. 

We hear the sound our own voice. Its timbre. Its tone. The colors.

It brings up stuff.

Sometimes we don’t like what we hear. “Is that how I sound?”

Our inner critic is on HIGH alert. “Be careful! Someone might hear you!! What will they think!?”

We engage with that voice and try to talk some sense in to it. And sometimes not. It’s a dance.



We get to know our voices better. Hopefully.

Hopefully we become better acquainted and friendlier to its sound.

Maybe we fall in love with it eventually.

It’s a journey of radical self love. Of radical self acceptance.

Maybe no one else hears. Maybe this is a private gift you share with only yourself. That is your right.

Maybe it’s an act of self care.

Or maybe others do hear you and receive the gift of sound and song from that special unique voice that only comes from you.

(No one else in the world sounds like you.)

That IS a gift. And has the potential to change and inspire others. It’s daring and brave.

 Perhaps it’s an act of communing.

Joining with others in the love for song and music.

Singing together, blending sound, making harmony as an act of togetherness.


Yes, singing is a release. Sometimes a release of anxiety and stress.

Singing is a creative act. It’s inspiring.

Singing is channeling. Singing is self care. Singing is active. Singing is athletic.

Singing is therapeutic. Singing is healing. Singing makes you feel better. It’s good for your lungs!

Singing is life force.

Singing is communicating what cannot be expressed solely by speaking.

Singing is our own special gift.

That’s why we sing.


What does singing mean to you? Send me message on instagram or through my contact page! I'd love to hear from you!