Should YOU bring more joy into your singing?

inspiration wellness Aug 26, 2024

 Sounds obvious when proposed like that.

Should YOU have more fun? 

Who would say no?

Who doesn’t want to experience more joy in their art and in their life?

Didn’t seem so obvious to me even just 4 years ago.

Yes, I’d already made big changes in my life around my singing and the connection to my voice. 

But I was still being fueled by this need to push and “work hard” that was bleeding into other areas of my life.

In March of 2020 I had to make some changes as did billions of other people around the world.

We adjusted to working and communicating through zoom and our everyday routines began to look drastically different.

More time began to open up.

Walks became a daily occurrence.

Mindfulness practices were incorporated more consistently into my routine.

I began to ask some questions.

What was the hustle culture I was wrapped up in all about?

Why was I not taking care of myself in the way I should and putting my happiness at the forefront? 

What is happiness? And what really makes me feel joy and why is it fleeting?

What do I want to be spending more of my time doing…. And less of? 

For me it’s as if I slowly was waking up from a dream. 

It was then that the idea of Joyful Singing began to emerge.

I wanted to create a community of singers, who struggled with it being a joyful experience but longed for that creative freedom and satisfaction.

Who also yearned for wellness in their minds and bodies and could use their art form as a way to attain that.

Joyful Singing became the antidote, the system, the way to work on our craft, support each other, hold one another accountable and do it the RIGHT way. 

With JOY at the center of it all.

And yes, working together to work toward the goals of: 

- Feeling confident as a singer.

- Being able to tune out the judgy judge and create a safe, supportive environment within yourself so you’re feel energized and inspired.


>>>AND do it all in a way that is nurturing, easy, & brings more joy and wellness into your life.


❌ No more pushing, working hard, beating yourself up.

❌ No more, banging your head against the wall and feeling like you'll never improve, never get where you long to be.


→ Feeling healthier in your body and voice

→ Feeling happier in your mindset

→ Achieving the success and dreams your soul longs for.


Having a community that supports these goals is invaluable.


Thank you for being a part of this community!


If you are interested in diving deeper:


→.Check out this FREE MASTERCLASS. 🧚🏻‍♂️

→ Ready to have more fun as a singer and finally dial down your inner critic? A Course in Joyful Singing has all the support you need with live calls and lifetime access. πŸŽ‰

→ Need one on one support with your voice? You got it. πŸ’›

→ Has it been awhile and you don’t know how to reconnect to your voice? I can help. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

→ Having a supportive group to share your voice with might be helpful: Try a Monday Night Singing Group Class πŸ‘©‍❀️‍πŸ‘©

→ Read more helpful tips on my BLOG page. πŸ€“