Unlock Your Voice.

singer tips wellness Apr 17, 2024

Do you feel disconnected from your voice? Like maybe there is a block?

It happens.

Life happens.

Suddenly, you don't feel as connected to your voice as you used to.

Maybe there was a specific event.

Or maybe it was gradual.

Maybe you never felt connected to begin with.

How do you find that connection?

Where to even begin?

Getting started can be the hardest part.

The block feels big and too frustrating. And maybe too overwhelming.

I’ve been there.

There is no quick fix.

It is a journey.

Connecting to your voice is important work.

Maybe the most important work we can do.

So let’s do it with care and not rush through it.

Here are some steps I’ve compiled to help you through this process.



STEP #1 👉🏻


Tend: Listen, serve, await.

Your voice has its own timeline. It requires spaciousness and timelessness.

Give yourself love.

(So easy to skip this step.)

Hold your own hand through this process.

Be your best friend.

Maybe your voice needs coaxing. It needs someone to be patient.

Be that someone for your voice.

Create a safe space and carve out time to tend (listen, serve, await) to the voice in you that longs to be heard.


Write down what comes up.

Ask questions.

Start digging.

How do you want your voice to feel?

Give yourself more love.


STEP #2 👉🏻


Without judgement, play with sound making.

Play being the key word. Be silly.

What feels good? What doesn’t feel good?

Tune in and respond in the moment.

Try on. Adjust.

Be brave.

Start out with soft, easy, small sounds.

Then ask yourself, what warmups does my voice and body need in this moment?

Not sure where to begin?

Play with sounds you make everyday without thinking.

Eruptions of sound.






Silly sounds.

Try out different vowel sounds.



Pay attention to what feels free-er than the other.

Rather than right or wrong, notice the choices.

Try not to judge the sounds.

Label them as sounds. Different options.

Be your own teacher. The warm, encouraging kind.


STEP #3 👉🏻


Think about the songs you love.

What feels good to sing?

Pick the one you LOVE the most and feels good in your voice.

Or maybe pick a simple tune, one you've grown up singing, that you know well.

Something your mother used to sing to you, or a hymn, or Happy Birthday.

Focus on how it makes you feel.

Focus on the feelings.

Sing it for YOU and no one else.

What do you discover?


Connecting to your voice is a journey.

An uncovering.

A discovering.

What are you currently unearthing?

Let me know, I’d love to hear about it!